Paintball Collector's Guide
The World Paintball Library is
pleased to announce the release of paintball's first collector's
guide. This 59 page, Full Color booklet covers ever angle. Weather your
looking for old VHS tapes, DVD's, Books, Magazines, Comics, Games,
Newsletter's or even old Event Publications, the guide is sure to
After 26+ years of collecting all that has been produced, the WPL
took the plunge in assembling the collector's guide and to inform the
world's paintball players of just what really does exist in our sport. But
don't just take our word for it. Here's what Bill Mills from Warpig had
to say. Just
click here.
Here's a look at what the guide is all about:
Section 1
.Paintball DVDs
720 Video Dead Box, Derder
Division One, EMR Focused,High Tide One Shot, PB Films, Pure Promotions Pure PromotionsRagtop Video Tech T, Trauma Head Trauma Head Cont, Warped-Jawbreaker Miscellaneous DVDs

Section 2
.Paintball Videos in VHS
Brass Eagle, Division One,Guerrilla Pictures
Kapp, Mercenarios, One Shot
Splat One, Pig TV
Trauma Head
Warped Sportz/Jawbreaker
Miscellaneous VHS
Section 3
.Paintball Books &
Pro Star Sports & George Mock
John Amodea
Richard Allison
Miscellaneous Books
Section 4
.Paintball Magazines
Section 5
.Paintball Comic Books
Section 6
.Paintball Event Publications
Section 7
.Paintball Newsletters
Section 8
.Paintball Games
Section 9
.Paintball Picture & Music CDs
Every section is up to date with the history of paintball as
it unfolded through various media channels. Prior to 1985 most
paintball information was found in magazine articles
such a Life Magazines. While these magazines
are not part of our library, they are very collectible.
Starting in 1985 when the first books and
videos involving the sport started to appear. Each section of the
Paintball Collector's Guide is packed
with everything in the library and in order of appearance by being
chronologically displayed. However, "books" are only listed by
the year they appeared. |
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